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CPAP Shakur
Sep 27, 2023

I greatly value your opinion but I don't think I can get there with Emory Jones on the road. That dude cannot play. UC struggled to finish drives in the Miami Ohio game too. I watched every snap of the Oklahoma game and he's just not reliable.


Marc Atnipp
Marc Atnipp
Sep 27, 2023

Talking to folks in Lubbock they are planning to try and let Morton go with injections pregame. They have been working in wildcat formations with backs and receivers since there is no real 3rd string option. And it typical LBK fashion there will be wind. Looks to all be factored into the line abs total. But this one will be gross

Sep 27, 2023
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Aligns with the intel I have heard myself. We'll take our chances its an incapable Morton or the wildcat.


Sep 27, 2023

All 3 of your stat profile projections make this BYU by 4-8 points, yet you're strongly on CIN. However, you took FL and there your projections say FL by 7-9 points. Could you comment on when you choose to follow your scoring projections vs when you go the complete opposite direction?

Sep 27, 2023
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This is a really helpful explainer, thanks for taking the time to answer.

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